My tired feet carrying me ahead.
Some quiet thoughts circulating in my head.
Shining innocence from the time I was born.
Intuitive reluctance to proceed if something wrong.
My restless heart hammering messages into my soul.
A pair of eyes to see ahead, so I won't fall.
Two brothers-hands working together, feeling strong.
My agents-ears telling me what's going on.
The sequence of events I am going through.
The people I am talking to.
In what and how I believe.
The air that I breathe.
In all I do, in all I say
One question leaves me in dismay,
'If this all me, if this all I,
Then, how come I'm going to die?
"Close to Home" has moved!! I have consolidated my once divided interests
into a single, cohesive, and hopefully more professional package. P...
15 years ago